Author Topic: Import terrains from RGBA file node: a video tutorial  (Read 3895 times)

Leigh Kamraoui

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Import terrains from RGBA file node: a video tutorial

We've published a new video on how to import terrains from an RGBA file.

We start by opening Photoshop and find a Bitmap file composed of the equivalent of a Heightmap per channel (1 is the red channel, 2 is the green channel, 3 is the blue channel, and 4 is the Alpha one channel).

In Instant Terra, we add an Import terrains from RGBA file node. In the parameters, browse to the previously saved Bitmap and import it.

Now we have four separate input terrains stored in the memory. To see them, we can use an Apply curve node. Add one for each input and link them to Import terrains from RGBA file node.

We see the four terrains that were combined in one file in Photoshop, but we can now use them separately.

Watch our video tutorials and work through our video tutorials and demos to familiarise yourself with Instant Terra.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 11:24:05 AM by Leigh Kamraoui »