Author Topic: full composition node adds two terrains together with large height difference  (Read 8853 times)


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when I use the full composition node to add these two cones together, it creates a large plateau where the two intersect. Is there a way that I can get it to work like the max. node but without stretching the cone?

Alexis Vaisse

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There is no Max full composition node, but it's very easy to create one using component:

Get the attached Max full composition.terralib file, which is an Instant Terra component library file.

Drag & drop it in the Instant Terra window.
This will import the component and insert it in your project.
The new node will appear in the Models window on the bottom left, inside the Component library category.

You can now use it as any other nodes.

You can see how it's done by right clicking on the node in the graph and selecting Edit component.

You can create another component with a Min node instead of a Max node, etc.
You can also change its color and put it in the Terrain composition category if you want.


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Wow, Thanks! I had no idea that instant terra had this feature, but I'm sure it will be very usefull in the future

Marianne Calva

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The Min & Max Full composition components are available on our component store and can be downloaded here:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 03:18:12 PM by Marianne Calva »