Author Topic: Bypassing node?  (Read 9320 times)


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I've just started playing around with Instant Terra today and so far I really like it, it's super fast and that's extremely enjoyable!

I've read most of the documentation but I couldn't find any reference to bypassing a node. Is that doable at all?
If not, is that something that's in the roadmap for future updates? It would be really useful to be able to quickly toggle a node on/off!

Merci :)

Marianne Calva

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Hi Thibault,

We are glad to hear that you are enjoying Instant Terra.  Please do not hesitate to share your tests in the show room.

About your request, yes: the possibility to disable a node is in our roadmap. It's a very useful feature indeed and we have already had similar other requests.


Edit 2018: the Disable facility has been included to Instant Terra official releases.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 12:09:51 PM by Marianne Calva »


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Hah cool, thanks for the answer, looking forward to it!

(Maybe a bit off-topic but...) while I'm at it... It's currently not possible to export splat maps, right? Only a heightmap? Is that something that might come in the future?
Also, is the roadmap public? (just so I stop asking questions that might already have an answer somewhere :))


Alexis Vaisse

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No, it's not possible to export a splat map for the moment.
What you can do is creating masks in Instant Terra (mask from heights, mask from slope, erosion mask...), then you export these masks and use them in your favorite DCC to control the materials you apply on your terrain.

The feature is in our roadmap: you'll have the possibility to import a slap map (which will be called color map in Instant Terra) and apply it on a terrain. The splat map will follow the transformations you apply on the terrain (for the moment translation, rotation and scale, later also distorsion and other effects). Then you export the slap map. It will also be possible to convert a color ramp (AKA color gradient) to a splat map.

About our roadmap: we will make it public for the commercial release of Instant Terra (which will happen soon, stay tuned! ;-)).

Feel free to ask questions, we are happy to answer. :-)

Edit 2018: Export of color map (splat map) is now available in Instant Terra.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2020, 12:11:24 PM by Marianne Calva »


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Hah alright, yeah that's what I thought.
Thanks for the answer, looking forward to seeing all that in!