Author Topic: Instant Terra - Newsletter January 2018  (Read 3899 times)

Marianne Calva

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  • Posts: 63
Wysilab wishes you a very prosperous 2018!

The start of this year is very exciting for Wysilab as we are preparing for the official release of Instant Terra v1.0 in the next few weeks!
Meanwhile, you can download Instant Terra's beta v0.6 and start creating terrains.

Visit our new revamped website

We have launched the new version of our website to help you quickly and efficiently access the information you need.

  • Enhanced navigation: The website provides simple, intuitive navigation.
  • Find out what to expect from Wysilab in the future
  • Compose terrains, paint masks, bulk import, simulate erosion... discover Instant Terra's features
  • Keep up to date with all the news, press releases, tutorials, & tips from the Wysilab team
  • Read Instant Terra's full, online documentation
  • We want you to be part of our community, so we’ve made it easier with a link to the Forum on each page
And we’re not stopping here. Stay tuned, visit often, and drop us a tweet or join this Forum to send us your feedback.

Visit our new website (Refresh the page if needed).

Start learning some of Instant Terra's features 

We have published the first two videos in a new series of video tutorials.
Watch this space: We will publish several more video tutorials very soon!

Subscribe to our Youtube channel

The first video describes the Alpha Blend node, a terrain composition node that creates an alpha composition between terrains at locations defined by a mask. You can play with the parameters and see the changes in real time.

Watch the Alpha Blend video

The second video describes the terrain transformation Apply Curve node, which transforms a terrain by changing the heights of all the vertices on a curve that define the terrain heights.

Here, an Apply curve node is applied to a Perlin noise node. We use the brush to draw a curve to change the height of each input vertex, and therefore completely change the terrain.

Watch the Apply curve video

Join us at Midinnov in Toulouse on Feburary 1, 2018

Join us at Midinnov - the essential rendez-vous of innovation in the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region in Toulouse, France on Thursday, February 1, 2018. We will be delighted to present you live demos of Instant Terra.

Organised by the Economic Development, Export and Innovation Agency, Midinnov aims to facilitate innovation in companies and help them move from idea to product. SMEs, SMIs, project leaders, and creators of innovative companies, all the partners of innovation projects, meet on the same day. With more than 200 exhibitors, the 11th edition of Midinnov will once again offer a privileged space for promising companies to meet all the partners of innovation and find a suitable support.
We look forward to meeting you!

Visit the official website

Meet us in March at the GDC in San Francisco

Last year at the GDC, we had great interest in Instant Terra beta and numerous subscriptions to our newsletter to keep up to date with our developments. We look forward to meeting you again this year in our booth at the GDC in San Francisco, California from March 19 to 23, 2018.

Get in touch with us to request a private demo or a meeting.


•   This forum
This forum is where you can find the latest news & announcements from Wysilab. Support for Instant Terra is via the Forum.
•   Read our online documentation
Read the Interface guide and the Nodes reference guide to learn about what Instant Terra's different nodes can do. Use our terrain examples to start playing with node parameters and see the results in real time.
•   Watch our tutorial videos
Work through our tutorials and demos videos to familiarise yourself with Instant Terra.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 11:26:55 AM by Leigh Kamraoui »