The Color management nodes are applied to convey elevation.

  • Color: This node creates a constant color to apply to a Constant color ramp node.
  • Create color ramp: This node adds either the Moon, Earth, or Desert preset color ramp. The colors can be added, edited, and deleted in the node parameters.
  • Apply color ramp: This node is used to link the terrain node to the Color ramp node.
  • Convert color ramp to color map: This node takes an input terrain with a color ramp and outputs a color map.
  • Constant color map: This node creates a uniform color map that can be blended to create more complex colored patterns.
  • Apply color map: This node is used to link the terrain node to the color map node.
  • Apply mask: This node takes an input terrain and mask and converts them into a mask to apply to a terrain.
  • Extract color map: This node is used to extract a color map from a terrain or a terrain composition.
  • color map from masks: This node uses three masks to construct the red, green, and blue channels of the output color map.
  • Split color map: This node splits the red, green, and blue channels of an input color mask and outputs a mask from each of these channels.
  • Tile color map: This node takes an input color map and generates a color map that corresponds to N x N times the starting color map with N being the repetition coefficient between 1 and 10.
  • Alpha blend: This node creates an alpha composition between two color maps at locations defined by a mask.
  • Compute normal map: This node is used to compute a normal map from a terrain or a terrain composition.
  • Directional Warp: This node is used to distort a color map using a directional warp.
  • Swirl: This node is used to distort a color map using a Swirl effect.
  • Vector Warp: This node is used to distort a color map using a vector warp.
  • Warp: This node is used to distort a color map using a warp effect.

See also Import color map to import a color map in the form of an image file that you can apply to a terrain generation node, a transformation node, or a composition node via the Apply color map node.
See Export color map to export your color map.

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