Adding a Min & max values node

This node sets the minimum and maximum values of a mask.

To add a Min & max values node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask Transformation  > Min & max values.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Editing the Min & max values

Two modes exist to set the minimum and maximum values: Click on either the Maximum value or Minimum value radio button to select a mode and edit the output mask.

  • Scale mode: All mask values are scaled according to the new minimum and maximum values.

The advantage of this mode is that you can change all the minimum and maximum values of your mask without going back through the previous nodes.

  • Clamp mode: This mode constrains all values that exceed a certain value to the same value.

Values lower than the minimum value are raised to the minimum value. Values higher than the maximum value are lowered to the maximum value.


Parameter Use
Maximum value The maximum value of the output mask
Minimum value The minimum value of the output mask
Scale The values of all the vertices are scaled over the entire mask according to the new minimum and maximum values
Clamp The vertices are constrained to a minimum and maximum value; vertices with a value lower than the minimum value are raised to the minimum value and the vertices with a value higher than the maximum value are lowered to the maximum value

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