Adding a Rounded rectangle node

This node is used to create a square or rectangle-shaped mask with rounded borders.

To add a Rounded rectangle node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask Generation  > Rounded rectangle or press the keyboard shortcut N-R-R (Node Rounded Rectangle).

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Editing a Rounded rectangle node

To edit the Rounded rectangle node:

  • Size: In the combo box, select either:
    • User-defined size to select a size preset and update the mask Width, Height, and Quad size.
    • Default size to use the default mask size.
    • Create new size preset to create a Size preset node, which defines the size (see the Size preset node for details).
  • Radius: This parameter determines the radius of the rounded borders in proportion to the total size.
    For example, the image below shows, from left to right, radius = 0, radius = 20, and radius = 40.


Parameter Use
Size Determines the size of the rounded rectangle mask: the default size, a user-defined size, or defined by the Size preset node.
Radius Determines the radius of the rounded borders.

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