Adding a Directional warp node

The Directional warp node transforms a mask by another mask that determines the displacement at each value.

To add a Directional warp node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask Transformation  > Directional warp.

Select the node to open its parameters:

Editing a Directional warp node

Use the sliders or the manipulators to adjust the Directional warp values.

  • Strength: Defines the force or intensity of the displacement.
  • Angle: Defines the direction of the deformation:
    • When the angle is equal to 0°, the terrain is warped horizontally.
    • When the angle is equal to 90°, the terrain is warped vertically.
    • When the angle is equal to 45°, the terrain is warped in the direction of a SW-NE diagonal.

Values between 0 and 0.5 lead to a displacement to the left when the angle is equal to 0. A value between 0.5 and 1 leads to a displacement toward the right when the angle is equal to 0.


Parameter Use
Strength Adjusts the intensity of the warp.
Angle Defines the direction of the warp.

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