Adding a Mask level node

The Mask level creates a gradient in a mask.

To add a Mask level node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask Transformation  > Mask level.

Select the node to open its parameters:

Editing a Mask level node

Use the Level sliders to adjust the levels.

  • All values less than the value of the black value parameter become black.
  • all values greater than the value of the white value parameter become white.
  • Values between the values of the black value and white value parameters form a gradient.

For example, setting the following parameters creates the mask:


All white value values over 30 become white while all black value values remain at 0.

Changing the sliders parameters creates a different mask:


All black value values under 70 become black while all white value values remain at 100.


Parameter Use
Black value All values less than the black value parameter become black.
White value All values greater than the white value parameter become white.

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