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Crash and bug reports / Re: New Install - World Browser is blank
« Last post by jabo1SFH on December 18, 2023, 09:25:09 AM »
same issue
Crash and bug reports / Re: "instant terra" connection issue
« Last post by jabo1SFH on December 18, 2023, 09:23:41 AM »

I am replying to this thread that i am experiencing the same issue with the world browser Instant Terra and did not see a need to create a new thread on this problem. There seems to be an issue with the program connecting to the google maps. There was a recent update to google maps and maybe the api's have changed to connect to the service?

Hopefully there is someone who can look into this? trying to finish the tutorials and I cannot proceed if the world browser is not working.

Crash and bug reports / Re: "instant terra" connection issue
« Last post by Giovanni.B on December 15, 2023, 04:41:09 PM »
Good evening is it possible to get an answer I wrote to support and no one answered me since10 days. Here also I have not received a reply. I expected a to receive a little better service given the cost of your product!
Crash and bug reports / "instant terra" connection issue
« Last post by Giovanni.B on December 11, 2023, 11:24:08 AM »
Good morning,
I tried to write to support but didn't get a reply, so I'll try to write here:
my problem is the "instant terra" connection and your servers,i can't see the google map or download the various materials. It seems like the program is offline.
The tests I have done:

1-switched more than one connection same result
2-disabled the windows firewall
3-created the exception in the inbound and outbound firewall allowing the connection
4-disabled the antivirus
5-verified that the program was not quarantined in the antivirus but nothing.

Please help me.

Support - How to ... ? / Make fractal mountains along painted path
« Last post by onlybone on November 18, 2023, 04:20:32 PM »
I would like to crate a mountain "belt" on my map which follows a specified "path", see the attachment on what I currently have (but am not satisfied with).
Right now the mask is handpainted (second attachment) and I tried to get the height variety and shape of the mountains through that, but it doesnt look very good imo. What I want to achieve is something that looks like the third attachment. How would I go about creating something similar inside instant terra?

PS: the terrain is set out to be 32x32km with a quad size of 2
Crash and bug reports / Re: New Install - World Browser is blank
« Last post by philelli on November 18, 2023, 12:03:56 PM »
Same issue, I trust you will be extending out trial to its original length once this is fixed? Better still free licenses for all, for the emotional stress you've put us through.
Crash and bug reports / Re: New Install - World Browser is blank
« Last post by sakari119 on November 12, 2023, 09:48:35 AM »
Bumping this
Crash and bug reports / Re: New Install - World Browser is blank
« Last post by Wilks on November 05, 2023, 05:07:06 PM »
Why hasn't this been fixed yet?

This is also the reasoning I am using the software to create terrain based on real world data, but its rendered useless.
Crash and bug reports / Re: New Install - World Browser is blank
« Last post by ArgoChris on October 14, 2023, 11:46:20 AM »
Bumping again -- this feature is a major aspect of why I purchased the software, will the API updates be applied/available to previous license holders?
Crash and bug reports / Re: New Install - World Browser is blank
« Last post by dscnly on September 18, 2023, 05:50:28 PM »
Hello Alexis

...We will see if we can find a solution.

Any sign of a fix coming along?

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