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Support - How to ... ? / Re: Road data from satellite import -- how to ?
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on April 25, 2022, 08:35:03 AM »

The World Browser downloads the heightmap and the satellite image.
There is no specific data associated to roads.

If the roads are visible on the satellite image, you can use a Painted mask node and a Road or a Colored road node to add roads to the terrain.
Then you can export the road mask you've just painted to Unreal Engine.
Support - How to ... ? / Re: Tuto of WorldBrowser error 401
« Last post by Erik on April 25, 2022, 07:24:00 AM »
Hello, I'm getting the same error message and have verified that the OpenTopography website is not down. Could there be a potential problem with the API key that Instant Terra uses? 

I have also verified that it's not my firewall blocking the connection as I turned it off to test and get the same error either way.   Would love any help. Thanks!
Support - How to ... ? / Road data from satellite import -- how to ?
« Last post by mcographics on April 24, 2022, 09:10:28 AM »
Hi there, is there a way to import road data from the world browser inside of instant terra? for example, I'm creating a driving sim, and I've already selected the area I want to use. So, is there an import function or node that can be used to impose the road data on the imported heightmap so that when imported into unreal engine the base for roads is already done ?


the area I've selected is a island, not a portion of it but the whole thing, that's what I'm trying to bring into UE 5

I'm new to using Instant terra, :) Any help is greatly appreciated.
Support - How to ... ? / Re: Tiled build and super large terrains
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on April 17, 2022, 11:50:58 AM »

Do you mean 81000 x 81000 pixels? You can create a terrain with this size in Instant Terra Pro, but it will require a huge amount of memory (more than 20 GB for each node).
Erosion nodes do modify the terrain, but probably not at continental scale, and works of tectonics are not simulated.
One possibility is to split your terrain into small parts, and create one project per part. Then you have a final project that blends all parts together.
Support - How to ... ? / Tiled build and super large terrains
« Last post by Naima on April 17, 2022, 10:23:59 AM »
Helo , I have the need to create terrain for a whole planet , in continental scale, this program can be of any help to me? Does it allows me to have erosion on continental scale? to perform works of tectonics and mountain chains ? Or not ? does it allow to make maps as large as 81000 pxls ?
Support - How to ... ? / Re: Tuto of WorldBrowser error 401
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on March 22, 2022, 03:17:21 AM »

The World browser uses external web sites, such as OpenTopography, to download the data.
It may happen that the OpenTopography site is down. In this case, you will get an error, for example error 401.

If you try again later, the site may be up and running again, and you will be able to complete the tutorial.
Discussions / Colors Satelite Maps and Road ?
« Last post by babe on March 18, 2022, 04:28:10 PM »
Hello, how can we have different colors in the satellite map, for example, when there is a road we could see white and then the other colors which replaces the colors of the satellite map, with our color of our choice ? If, we see a yellow color on the card and we can put another color. I don't know, if, I explain well. ^^
Support - How to ... ? / Tuto of WorldBrowser error 401
« Last post by babe on March 18, 2022, 03:34:53 PM »
Hello, J'ai suivie

I next the tutorial WorldBrowser, I obtains an error 401, there the detail :

" Connection error (An error occured, Error code : 401.)
  Check that you have a valid connection to the Internet. "

Why ? I not understand error, or is normal, iam sorry if, I speak bad in english. It not a my language national.
Support - How to ... ? / tutorial - can't do it as it doesn't scale well
« Last post by Mikaere on January 31, 2022, 06:42:11 PM »
Im duplicating displays at 1920 by 1080 res ie laptop running win 10 and external monitor
Crash and bug reports / Re: Mask arrives at Unreal with artefacts
« Last post by ZoltanE on December 17, 2021, 03:31:39 PM »
Oh right, makes sense, I'll look into it, thanks for the tip!
By the way if I scale the terrain down to 63x63 then I don't see any artefacts.

EDIT: Setting the bottom most layer's mask to constant 1.0 seems to have fixed the problem! :D
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