Author Topic: Add a search bar and custom size fields in world browser  (Read 2797 times)


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1. I recently checked instant terra and I am happy to see that you are providing the option to choose a custom size map from the google map but there is no option to search the coordinates and it's too much tedious to find the required coordinates just by moving around on whole world map.

2. I know, I can draw box shape to choose the select the size area but it will be better to have custom region size fields too.

Alexis Vaisse

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Thanks for the suggestion.
We will add some fields to enter longitude and latitude coordinates.

We'd also like to add a text field to enter a location name, such as "Mount Everest" and Instant Terra would automatically go there, but it may be a bit more complex to implement.


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thanks for noticing my request.
By the way, you ignored my other request.
I know, I can draw box shape to choose the select the size area but it will be better to have custom region size fields too. (like if I want to download a 30m area there should also be field along with the box selection method that you currently have to select area)

Alexis Vaisse

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OK. We'll add this request in our backlog too.