Author Topic: Using erosion results as masks...  (Read 3004 times)


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I'm new to Instant Terra so forgive me if this options exists but if not it would be extremely helpful to have a mask texture created based on the results of your hydraulic, mountain and rock erosions respectively. It's at least a good start to using those masks in other software for material creation, just a thought!


Alexander Alza

Alexis Vaisse

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Hi Alexander,

It's already available:

For the Rock Erosion, the second output is the sediment elevation, so you can transform it into a mask.

For the Mountain Erosion, there is a single output, so what you have to do is the difference between the output terrain and the input terrain, then transform it into a mask.

And for the Hydraulic Erosion, you have 3 outputs that you can directly transform into masks:
  - Sediment elevation
  - Water elevation (usually less useful than the flowmap)
  - And the last one which is the flowmap.
You can also do the difference between the output terrain and the input terrain to get the erosion & deposition mask.

(At the beginning, we planned to directly have these outputs, but nodes had more outputs and it was confusing).

Note that you can create components to directly output what you want.

Please let us know if this is not what you expect.