Hi Alexander,
Thank you very much for your feedback. It's appreciated.
Being able to control the light direction in real time on your 3D viewport, such as by holding down Shift+RMB would be great
With the menu
Edit >
Preferences >
Light settings, you can open the
Light settings window and keep it open all the time.
That way you can very easily change the light direction at any time while working on your terrains.
When painting a mask, it would be nice to have a hotkey for an ortho top down view to make painting easier.
That's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion. It doesn't seem there is a standardized keyboard shortcut for ortho top view (O, Num5, F6, F8, F10...). If you have a favorite one, feel free to propose it. ;-)
When painting a mask, it would be great to be able to use the bracket keys [ and ] respectively to decrease/increase the size of the brush.
We use the following keyboard shortcuts:
- Switch between Lighter and Darker brush:
S- Change brush size:
D &
F- Change brush intensity:
G &
H- Change brush fall-off:
J &
KWe'll add a tooltip to show these shortcuts.
When painting a mask it would also be great to be able to have the option to blur or smooth wihout having to use nodes to do so after the fact.
Thanks for the suggestion. We plan to add more brushes (including user-defined brushes). We may also add an option to smooth the mask.