Adding a Change size node

This node changes the size and resolution of a mask.

To add a Change size node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask Transformation  > Change size.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Changing the mask size

The Current size in the parameters dialog displays the current mask Width and Height in meters and the Quad size of a grid quad.

  • Use the New size fields to change the  Width and Height in meters and the Quad size of the mask.
  • Toggle between Absolute values (meters) and Relative values (%).
  • Check the Keep aspect ratio box to preserve the proportions of the mask when you change one value.


Parameter Use
Width New width (in meters) or the scale factor (as a percentage) to be applied to the width
Height New height (in meters) or the scale factor (as a percentage) to be applied to the height
Quad size New size (in meters) of a grid quad
Absolute values Defines the values of the new dimensions of the mask in meters
Relative values Sets the scale factor to be applied to the dimensions of the mask as a percentage
Keep aspect ratio If selected, the width to height ratio is constrained

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