Adding an Import color map node

The Import color map node imports a color map in the form of an image file that you can apply to a terrain generation node, a transformation node, or a composition node via the Apply color map node. The output terrain is the same terrain as the input terrain, but with a color map applied to it. The color map is preserved throughout the graph unless a new color map is applied.

To add a node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Import  > Import color map.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Importing a color map

To import a color map:

  • Either:
    • Drag and drop the file into the File name field, click on the folder button and browse to the file you want to import, or type the directory of the file to import.
    • Drag and drop the image directly into the Graph editor. A pop-up dialog appears. Click whether you want to import the image file as a terrain, mask, or color map.

    If you have already saved your project, type just a file name or sub-directory and file name to import it from the same directory as your project. There is no need to type the file directory.

    File names with Unicode characters are supported.

    The following image formats are supported:

    Extension Format Comments
    .bmp Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file 8/16/24/32 bits allowed
    .gif Graphics Interchange Format  
    .jpg, .jpeg Independent JPEG Group  
    .png Portable Network Graphics 8/16 bits per channel with 1/3/4 channels (gray scale/RGB/RGBA) allowed
    .ico Windows Icon  
    .tif, .tiff Tagged Image File Format 8/16/32 bits allowed
    .tga Truevision Targa File  
    .psd Adobe Photoshop  
    .pgm Portable Graymap  
    .pfm Portable Floatmap  
    .exr ILM openEXR  

    Note that if the image has an alpha channel, it is discard and transformed to white.

    • File information: Displays the Width, Height, and Bits of the mask.
    • Flip Y axis: Check the box to flip the mask around the Y axis.

    The minimum size supported is 16 x 16. The maximum size supported is 8K for the Instant Terra edition, and no limit for the Instant Terra Unlimited and Instant Terra Pro edition. An error message appears if your file is smaller or larger than the minimum and maximum sizes.

Linking an Import color map node

The Import color map links to an Apply color map node to apply the color map to a terrain generator..

In the example below, we import a .tif texture to apply it as a color map to a Perlin noise terrain generator.

For more information on color management see the Color management workflow.


Parameter Use
File name Name of the file to load
File information Displays the width, height, and bits of the mask
Flip Y axis Flips the mask around the Y axis

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