Adding a Half-sphere node

This node creates a half-sphere or semi-ellipsoid plot.

To add a Half-sphere node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Terrain Generation  > Half-sphere.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Setting the terrain size

  • To change the terrain size, edit the Width and Height fields in number of vertices or select a size preset from the list.
  • To change the quad size, edit the Quad size field in meters.

Setting the half-sphere radius

Use the Radius slider to set the surface covered by the half-sphere:

  • For a value of 1, the diameter of the half-sphere is exactly the size of the terrain, taking into account the smallest dimension of the terrain if it is not square.
  • For a value less than 1, the half-sphere is contained entirely inside the terrain.
  • For a value greater than 1, the half-sphere is larger than the terrain.

Click OK to validate.

Setting the half-sphere height scale

Use the Height scale slider to set the maximum height of the terrain:

  • A value of 1 is the default value of the half-sphere (see above).
  • For a value less than 1, the half-sphere is flattened.
  • For a value greater than 1, the half-sphere is stretched.

Click OK to validate.

Working with connectors

The Half-sphere node has two connectors to drive a parameter using a formula or a mask.

  • The first connector allows you to drive the radius of the half-sphere.
  • The second connector allows you to drive the height scale of the half-sphere.

Resetting the default values

The Reset to half-sphere button resets the half-sphere to the default values.

Sample project

In the sample project below, two Slope terrain generators, one with a maximum height of 0 and the other with the inclination angle set to 200, are composed with a Full composition node.

The Full composition output is linked to a Mask from heights node, which has a gradient slope with a minimum height of 0 and a maximum height of 100.

The mask's output is linked to the Half-sphere's optional connector. The result is shown by clicking on the Half sphere node.

Video tutorial

Watch our Half-sphere node video tutorial.


Parameter Use
Terrain size See Part common to all generator nodes
Radius Determines the surface covered by the half-sphere
Height scale Determines the maximum height of the terrain

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