The Thermal erosion node creates thermal erosion on a terrain. Thermal erosion is similar to hydraulic erosion, with the addition of the possibility that the banks of the rivers collapse, giving rise to wider rivers.
The node has four outputs:
To add a Thermal erosion node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node > Simulation > Thermal erosion or press the keyboard shortcut NTE (Node Thermal Erosion).
Double click on the node to open its parameters:
Use the sliders to set the Thermal erosion parameters:
Below is an example of thermal erosion on a terrain.
Here is the same result without the water display.
You can connect a mask to the Quantity of rain parameter to precisely define the places where erosion will take place.
Parameter | Description |
Number of iterations | Sets the number of iterations. |
Quantity of rain | Quantity of falling water, in centimeters per second. |
Erosion intensity | Defines the strength of the erosion. |
Show water | Shows any water on the terrain. |
Show sediment | Shows any sediment on the terrain. |
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