Adding a Thermal erosion node

The Thermal erosion node creates thermal erosion on a terrain. Thermal erosion is similar to hydraulic erosion, with the addition of the possibility that the banks of the rivers collapse, giving rise to wider rivers.

The node has four outputs:

  • The eroded terrain
  • The height of the sediment
  • The depth of the water
  • The cumulative water height

To add a Thermal erosion node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node > Simulation > Thermal erosion or press the keyboard shortcut NTE (Node Thermal Erosion).

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Editing a Thermal erosion node

Use the sliders to set the Thermal erosion parameters:

  • Number of iterations: Sets the number of iterations.
  • Quantity of rain: Quantity of falling water, in centimeters per second.
  • Erosion intensity: Defines the strength of the erosion: the greater the value, the more the terrain will be eroded.
  • Show water: This option is checked by default. Uncheck the option to view erosion without displaying any water on your terrain.
  • Show sediment: This option is checked by default. Uncheck the option to view the node without displaying any sediment.


Below is an example of thermal erosion on a terrain.

Here is the same result without the water display.

You can connect a mask to the Quantity of rain parameter to precisely define the places where erosion will take place.


Parameter Description
Number of iterations Sets the number of iterations.
Quantity of rain Quantity of falling water, in centimeters per second.
Erosion intensity Defines the strength of the erosion.
Show water Shows any water on the terrain.
Show sediment Shows any sediment on the terrain.

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