Adding a Line node

The Line node generates a mask in the form of a straight line segment. The segment is defined by two points, point 1 and point 2, forming the two ends of the segment.

Points 1 and 2 can be moved using the manipulators or their X and Y coordinates can be entered manually in the node properties.

If the coordinate values of a point are constrained by a value from an optional input connector, the manipulator associated with these coordinates is not displayed. In the example below, the coordinate values of point 1 are from another node; therefore, the manipulator of point 1 no longer appears.

To add an Line node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask Generation  > Line or press the keyboard shortcut N-L-I (Node Line).

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Editing a Line node

To edit the Line node:

  • Preset: List of existing size presets. Select one from the list to apply the size preset.
  • Width: Width of the mask to generate in number of vertices.
  • Height: Height of the mask to generate in number of vertices.
  • Quad size: Size of the quads of the mask in meters.
  • Points 1 and 2: These points define the ends of the line. Use the sliders to adjust the point's X and Y coordinates.
    The X and Y coordinates of each of the two points are relative to the center of the mask with a value between -1 and +1:
    •  0 corresponds to the middle in width (X), in height (Y); (0,0) positions the point in the center of the mask.
    • -1 and 1 correspond to the minimum and maximum values of the coordinates (limit of the mask); (1,1), (-1,1), (1,-1), and (1,1) position the point in one of the four corners of the mask.
  • Line – Width: Adjusts the thickness of the line from 1 to 20.


The Arc and Line nodes can be used in components to propagate the coordinates of their respective points, allowing the formation of a circuit. An end point of an Arc can be linked to an end point of Line to guarantee a permanently valid link between the different masks. This is used in the Road sample, available in the Help > Samples menu.

Components can be retrieved from this sample project in the Models window > Mask generation > Circuit - Arc or Circuit - Line, and then right, click and select Export component.

Components can also be retrieved from our site at


Parameter Use
Preset List of existing size presets.
Width Width of the mask to generate in number of vertices.
Height Height of the mask to generate in number of vertices.
Quad size Size of the quads of the mask in meters.
Points 1 and 2 Defines the extremities of the circular Line.
Point 3 Adjusts the radius of curvature of the Line of a circle X and Y.
Line - Width Adjusts the thickness of the line from 1 to 20.

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