New terrain nodes

  • Billowy noise terrain generation node: This node creates a terrain using a Billowy noise generator. It is a standard modification of a Perlin noise generator node where each level of detail is transformed using the absolute value function. It creates slightly different patterns that are useful when creating creases and hills.
  • Ridged noise terrain generation node: This node creates a terrain using a Ridged noise generator. It is a standard modification of a Perlin noise generator node where each level of detail is transformed using the opposite of the absolute value function. It creates sharp discontinuities and patterns that resemble crests and ridges. This noise is usually used to create sharp mountains.
  • Min and Max terrain composition nodes: The Max node takes the maximum value of two input terrains. At each vertex, the value of the output terrain is the maximum value of both input terrains. Conversely, the Min node takes the minimum value of two input terrains where the value of the output terrain is the minimum value of both input terrains at each vertex.

New mask nodes

  • Mask from higher terrain node: This node creates a mask by comparing two input terrains. The white areas of the output correspond to all the locations where the elevation of the first input terrain is higher that the elevation of the second input terrain.
  • Mask from angles: The Mask from angles node creates a mask from the angles of a terrain. The mask created has the same size and resolution as the input terrain. Two modes exist to edit the Mask from angles node: the Gradient mode where the mask takes a gradient with values between 0 for the minimum angle up to 1 for the maximum angle, and the Select mode where the mask is set to 1 for angles between minimum angle and maximum angle; otherwise it is set to 0.
  • Mask from curvature: This node creates a mask from the curvature of the terrain. The mean curvature computed corresponds to the average of the two principal curvatures. High curvature points are located at the terrain concavities (depressions) and low curvature points are located at the terrain convexities (peaks). Zero curvature represents parts of the surface where the slope is constant (planes or a constant rise).

New color map management

  • Import color map: The Import color map node imports a color map to be linked to a terrain generator via the Apply color map node.
  • Apply color map: The Apply color map node applies an imported color map to a terrain. It links a terrain and a color map node to apply the color map to the terrain. The output terrain is the same terrain as the input terrain, but with a color map. The color map is preserved throughout the graph unless a new color map is applied.
  • Extract color map: When the Extract color map node is linked to a terrain with a color map, you can extract this color map and apply it using an Apply color map node or export it using an Export color map node.
  • Export color map: This node exports a color map as an image file from a terrain with a color map as a .tiff, .png, .tga, or .bmp file.
  • Transform terrain node: When the Transform terrain node is linked to a color map, you can set the color of the input terrain color map. The color map of the output terrain follows the terrain transformation. When the transformed terrain does not completely fill the output terrain, the empty space is filled with the chosen color.

New import file format

New features

  • Disable node: When a node is disabled, it has no effect on the nodes to which it is connected. For a terrain, flat terrain is generated if the node is disabled, for a mask, a black mask is generated, and for a colormap, a white colormap is generated.
  • Painted mask node: When you change the mask size, you have the choice of two radio buttons that let you either keep the current mask or clear it.
  • View the terrain as a mask: You can view the terrain as a mask. This option is for display purposes only.

Breaking change

Alpha blend node: We have updated the Alpha blend node to be consistent the other composition nodes with a mask. The node's behavior is the inverse of that of v1.0. In the black areas, the height of the first terrain is used. In the white areas, the height of the second terrain is used. Between the two, in the gray areas, the Alpha blend mixes both terrains. Note that when upgrading from Instant Terra v1.0 to v1.1, you need to modify your projects if they contain Alpha blend nodes to achieve the same result. If both entry terrains are the same size, simply swap them around. If they are not the same size, you need to invert the mask, which can be done by adding an Invert mask node.

New workflow

Color management workflow: The color management workflow helps you get started with color maps. You will learn how to import and apply a color map, compose terrains with color maps, extract a color map from a terrain composition and apply it to another terrain, and export a color map.

New example

Curvature example: This example illustrates the use of the curvature node by creating a mountain range and then applying a smoothing effect locally to places where the slope does not vary.

New video tutorials

Getting started and node-specific tutorials: In the Help menu, you can access the Instant Terra video tutorials playlist on the Wysilab Youtube channel where you can learn about specific nodes and work through a project to help you get started with Instant Terra.

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