
Two new nodes: Snow and Advanced snow. Both nodes can be used with the Colorize or Advanced Colorize nodes or by themselves.

Multi blend

Make your graphs much simpler and more readable using the new Multi Blend node. Blend any number of terrains or masks with one single node as layers, instead of a series of blend or composition nodes that handle only 2 terrains or masks. Disable layers and change their order.


Keep the aspect ratio when scaling terrains or masks with a Full Composition or a Transform node.
Edit the Color ramp values to get accurate results.
Use the Global settings to choose if a partially selected node is added or not to the rectangle selection.
A new handy shortcut: click Alt+left mouse button on a node, link, or connector to delete it and all the links attached to the connector.

What's new in nodes?

Has color map

This node retrieves the information if a terrain has or has not a color map. When used with a Select node, switch from one to another branch of your graph based on the color map status.

Split color map

The Split color map node has an additional output: the alpha channel of the color map. If the color map has no transparency, the alpha channel is white.

Technical corner

Python: callback hooks

Callback hooks are now available to detect some events such as a completion of an import or export.

Python & C# API

Lerp functions

GPU scripts: Lerp and LerpColor functions

These 2 new functions can be used in the GPU scripts and return an linear interpolation between 2 values or between 2 colors.

The Lerp function is also available in the Formula node.


The default folder used for the global components can now be changed and defined in the global settings.

What's new −Historics

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